How Do I Protect My Child Online With Parental Monitoring Software?

Recent estimates put the number of pedophiles online at over one million.


The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's 2006 annual study found that among children 10 to 17 who spent time online:

• 1 in 4 was exposed to photos of people having sex, even though about 1/3 of households reported using "Internet blocking software."

• 1 in 5 was solicited for sex in the past year.

• 1 in 17 was threatened or harassed on the Internet, including threats of harm to the child, friends or other family members.

• 1 in 33 was aggressively solicited by someone they met online, meaning that the child was threatened, asked to meet, called on the phone, or received mail or gifts.

It is essential for parents to know what there child is doing online. Without parental monitoring software, you have no way of knowing exactly what your child is doing unless your standing over their shoulder watching the entire time.

How does parental monitoring software work? The basic function of it is to report what your child does on their computer. Common features include…

-- Chat Recording: This creates a transcript of both side of chat conversation, not in web-based chat rooms. Typically will record such instant messaging clients such as AIM, ICQ, MSN, Trillian, etc.

-- Email capture: It will create a copy of every email sent of received from the computer. Even deleted emails.

-- Programs run: It will keep track of every program (aka application) that is run by the user of the computer.

-- Keystroke logger: It will keep a log of every key press of the computer keyboard. This will enable the retrieval of passwords typed into website which generally appear on the screen as all *******.

-- Screen snapshot recording: It will on a predefined interval take pictures of the computer screen that can be later played back like a video recorder to see every action

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